About Us

Concrete2Green, is the Premier Urban Soccer development, marketing and consulting company in the US. C2G’s mission is to revolutionize the way that soccer is played and viewed in the U.S. and to be the driving force behind urban soccer – a new landscape on which soccer is played that is directly linked to the culture of urban life.

C2G is committed to managing its operations in ways that demonstrate its core value of protecting and improving the environment, with particular attention to the needs and concerns of urban communities. Through sport, C2G will promote healthy, smart, and ‘green’ living that address challenges facing inner cities. Therefore, C2G seeks to partner with other companies and organizations that share our commitment to supporting healthy and green initiatives for inner cities and those who live there.

Events & Programs
C2G events give players an opportunity to showcase their skills and talents, while providing the best source for evaluation for coaches and scouts.

C2G's tournaments; camps; skills clinics; which combine instructional, developmental and competitive elements to provide exciting and healthy outlets for players of all ages to hone their skills and compete against the best.

During the past years we have staged numerous events ranging from small local skills clinics to major soccer events.  We have developed an experienced field staff to complement the expertise of our in-house event marketing staff to ensure that all our events are presented at a high-quality fashion in a cost-effective manner.

There is one other unique facet to our style and flavor of programming—C2G does not produce cookie-cutter programs. Instead, our event marketers consult with corporate clients to create an event program to meet their specific needs.